Construction safety

Over the years, we have worked with construction and development/refurbishment companies from the biggest projects to small subcontractors. We are at home in the sector, and confident of best practice in managing the relevant risks.

We can assist contractors in putting together documentation which will satisfy the requirements of the customer in full. We can also help clients and principal contractors in the selection and management of contractors, with specially designed systems which meet the legal requirements without being unnecessarily onerous.

For the principal contractor, we can provide the construction phase plan (CPP), keep it up to date and assist with its implementation. For any contractor, we can help develop high quality RAMS and carry out site checks in a thorough but cost effective manner.

We can advise on CDM compliance, and also carry out Safety Advisor services for client or contractor. As well as the highest standards of documentation, we prefer to be a regular presence on site, ensuring legal requirements to provide monitoring and quality assurance are met on the ground, not just on paper.

Typical services offered for a small project would be:

  • Notifying the site (F10).

  • Helping the Principal Contractor with the construction phase plan (CPP).

  • Induction training packages.

  • Keeping the site on track with regular visits, including site monitoring, toolbox talks, advice and support, subcontractor management, RAMS and certification checks.  

  • We’ll also help the Principal Designer with their duties, including support in putting together the Safety File if required.